ABC Apologizes For Deceptively Editing Ari Fleischer

The original ABC quotation of Fleischer that aired on “Nightline” said: “[Spicer’s Saturday] briefing made me uncomfortable. It was too truculent, too tough. It looks as if the ball was dropped on Saturday.”

Here’s what Fleischer actually said:

@Nightline proves Spicer right about MSM’s dedication to negativity. Here is what I told them in a taped interview: 1/4

“It looks to me if the ball was dropped on Saturday, Sean recovered it and ran for a 1st down on Monday.” 2/4

Here is how they chopped my quote: “It looks to me if the ball was dropped on Saturday” after ABC referred to “deliberate falsehoods.” 3/4

If this is how the press reports, Trump is right to go after them. 4/4

When the press distorts someone’s quote and twists their words, we all have a problem. 5/5

ABC edits Ari Fleischers comments


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